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Wednesday 16 February 2011

Hurt Locker...Really?

As the Oscars are right around the corner i would like to say a few thing about the previous winner.The hurt locker.The movie that managed to disappoint me that Avatar did not win...Wow am I really saying that?.And not only an Oscar  but a BAFTA for best picture?God knows how many other of them...

I am so surprised that this movie was getting awards for absolutely nothing....

This so called realistic and objective movie seems like a propaganda filled stupidity that insults both peace advocates and solders...The Iraqis are portrayed as crazy bombers and the solders are portrayed as independent thrill seekers.

When discussing realism I must say that I'm not in favor of the war down there, I haven't been in the military and have no idea how things are done but...I 'm pretty sure it is not like this. Except for the first scene of the movie the rest seems ridiculous and fake.The squads seem that they don't follow a single rule and do not have a single superior to keep them under control or give them hell because of their stupid heroics.And I may not be a military man but I am an engineer and i know that cars cannot catch on fire by a single bullet and that a butcher doesn't have to get out of his shop and wave his cell phone( so that the men he is trying to kill see him) to detonate a bomb.

And if someone thinks "Well its not realistic because its poetic"(Yup i heard that too) I tell him: There is a difference between poetic and stupid. The scene when Clive Owen gets out of the building and no-one shoots because of the baby in "Children of Men" is unrealistic because its meant to be poetic.Certainly you don't see something like that in this movie. I hate movies that are trying to pass transporter-like action  as art and lyricism. Do you ever see Stallone or Snipes or Chan trying to pass their movies as artsy cinematography.No because it would be crazy to do so. And when sometimes they do they end up ridiculed. Why isn't this happening here is beyond me.

From a Cinematic point of view the script is just a series of missions without any reason,The characters do not progress at all and the story is full of clichés. The unexperienced military doctor that does crowd control like an English butler and then dies horribly, the scared solder, the thrill seeker with an underground sense of sensitivity and the list goes on....I mean really when you first saw Camargo on screen and heard his dialog was there anyone that did not think that this guy was dead meat. I was half expecting Dexter to come out and strap him on one of his classical death beds.The characters have no real arc and there is no real progression in the plot. Besides some interesting cinematography the movie really had nothing new or interesting. I mean I really don't get it.

As a conclusion...WHY OH WHY DO PEOPLE ACTUALLY LIKE THIS MOVIE????Even if I was a solder I would probably be insulted by this. Who ever might be reading this please tell, am I alone in this?I am probably exaggerating but I really hated this one.

IMDB page


Unknown said...

I havent seen this movie!!!!!!

Turin231 said...

Don't do it.Save yourself..

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