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Saturday 19 February 2011

Black Snake Moan

This movie went completely under my radar. I just stumbled upon a clip of the movie by chance and I was pleasantly amazed when I saw the whole thing. And it does make perfect sense to miss this movie since the way it was marketed and I guess the way it is know is from an event/image in the movie that really gives the wrong impression in one sense. That is the image of a half-naked Cristina Ricci chained by Samuel Jackson. Yet the actual feel of the movie is nothing like that.

I must admit since I had no idea about this movie the only reason I found this are a few sexy clips of Ricci from it. I thought that it would just be a raw sexy weird movie with no real content. So out of curiosity I watched it. And it was nothing like that.The actual plot of the movie is the story of a old broken blues player(Samuel Jackson) that happens to stumble upon an even more broken girl (Ricci). He takes a weird liking to her and make it his goal to "fix her up".The movie from there on shows the effort they both make to solve their inner problems though this process. And this actually works because of one reason. The performances of the starring actors. It is truly outstanding. And , although the whole movie unfolds in a more or less unrealistic way, the emotions portrayed are genuine with a really touching result. If you add the beautiful yet depressing tone of the movie and the constant southern blues soundtrack(You even hear parts of the excellent "Muddy Water Blues" at some points) you end up with a pretty effective movie. Even the seemingly constant fan service  (in most of the movie Cristina Ricci is half naked) that the movie has actually adds to the dirty, raw and over the top tone of the story. It is not really fan service but it adds to the feeling.

Some of the scenes in this movie are so emotional, so powerful that are burned into your head. The best example is the scene were Jackson is performing the actual title track. Great stuff!

On the whole this was a movie that I watched for completely stupid reasons and ended up being an actual gem. I enjoyed every minute of it. Raw, dirty and uncommon with great performances and great music. Even if you don't like it in the end just checking it out for its original feel is worth it.



Unknown said...

this movie is at least five years old!!! u were so late!

Turin231 said...

Hay i just saw it what can I do?

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