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Monday 14 March 2011

Dragon Age 2: Impressions and the short story!

Finally I will tell about my latest game addiction in the Dragon Age series.First you start with only a race and 3 classes(human warior,mage,rogue) and the face is fully customizable but the body isnt for example u cant make a busty woman!!!!!The weapons are for all but the armor isn't ,the companion only upgrade their armor.
There isn't the Zoom out camera that was in the 1st part.Last major change is the map,the area of the game is the city of Kirkwall ,the mountain near it and a part of Deep Roads,also when you have letters waiting in your house a golden envelope is in the map .Now I will tell the short story and anyone who doesnt want to listen must stop readin(like Turin231 cause he will kill me for spoiling it).The story is less epic of the origins but more intriging and fancinating and if its written on a book it will have success.We begin with the Fall of Lothering because of the Blight of the previous game and we decide to move on the birth place of our mother,Kirkwall.Cause we are refugees we cant get into the city but with the help of the underground we succeed in bribing to get in but for in exchange we do their dirty works for a year.Because of the gabling debts of our uncle we live in shady house and our estate is used for slavery trade.Then we ally with dwarf and we find the Anders from the previous game and we go for a expedition on the Deep Roads.In the process the brother of the dwarf doublecrosses us but we manage to get rich from the tresures we find and we get our estate back.We get a good name but after a few years we get involved with a Qunari revolution (it would be good if we had a Qunari companion like 1st part) and you get the title of Champion of Kirkwall.But you realize that the captain commander of the templars is corrupted from a tresure you found in Deep Roads and starts a final fight between mages and the templars in which you choose side.That was in few words Dragon Age 2. I hope that  bioware allows in a future expansion or DLC the ferther use of your saved character from the 1st game cause from the import I only saw king Alistair and Leliana!! I wait for your comments or questions if you have any!!!!


Turin231 said...

Just started playing it...Good game but I have a few major problems with it...It certainly does not seem better then the first...But i have to finish it first to be sure...(I did not read the whole post so the spoiler threat still stands)

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