HBO continues!!! Yesterday we had another new episode of Game of Thrones.
Kings right Hand arrives in the capital and with the meeting he has with the councellors learns tha the Crown is in big debt.His wife Kate arrives in the capital to meet him and with a old friend success to go unnoticed and tell her worries to her husband.In Castle Black at the Wall Jon Snow arrives to begin his training as a man in black .They learn that the dagger which the assassin had was of Tyrion Lanister.Beyond the sea in the land of the Dothrics, the 2 kids of the fallen Mad King continues to plan to regain throne but the sister finally gets pregnant, by her marriage with the Chief of Dothrics( a politically wedding for his army) and she has a greater bond the the Chief than her brother.And Arya the youngest daughter of Ned Stark begin to learn sword fencing mostly for her protection.
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