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Saturday 4 June 2011

Apes and Dragon tattoos...

Two interesting trailers got out recently that really don't to look very promising to say the least...Still interesting though...Rise of the Planet of the Apes and The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo  American remake..pfff

First The Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes...New trailer , nicely done with the same problems as the first...The story does not make sense and seems tiresome even from the trailer. The original franchise made the mistake of shifting the idea of people destroying ourselves before the Apes evolved and making it into a revolution story. Why repeat it?I don't know maybe its is just me but I really do not like this story...We 'll see...

And then there is the Girl With The Dragon Tattoo. The original Swedish movie was eerie, atmospheric, slow paced and harsh. Great mystery movie. Exactly the kind of movies Hollywood likes to destroy because it thinks the American viewer won't get it. If I was an American I would feel really insulted by this. Anyway. The trailer shows a movie that has nothing to do with the feel of the original  with an awful remix of the Immigrant Song (good start) and almost shows the movie like an action flick. I really hope that this is just how the movie is advertised and not how it actually is because it will be stupid. At least Daniel Craig is a very successful casting choice...



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