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Thursday 14 April 2011

Rehashing ideas...Doomed for (artistic)failure from day one?

It is no news that Hollywood has continuously relied in the rehashing and remakes of previous ideas from books or other mediums. In a cooperate world it is a very good way, unfortunately, to ensure revenue but in the same time complete laziness. There are numerous examples of course of good(even amazing!) adaptations and even some good remakes but usually what you get is just a lazy, stupid  joke of a movie. Lately though these remakes have become increasingly more and more irritating. Not because something has changed in this strategy. It is roughly the same as always...But the problem is that the remake wave has begun in this last decade to temper with stuff from my past. Things that actually liked when I was younger and see them ruined right before my eyes...And at the same time actually making money....

I really don't understand how some of these movies make profits...It means that actually someone goes to see them. Obviously the transformers franchise is the typical example of taking something popular from the past and ruin it completely by  disrespecting the original material and having a script and characters that could offend even a 5 year old. We are talking about a movie that really and  utterly believes that it is audience is stupid. And well it was right. Why ? Because it has made a butt-load of profit.Hmmm... But this just the typical example. There are so many more examples...

Poseidon , the Clash of the Titans, The day The earth stood still, War Of Worlds, Planet of The Apes, The Superman and Spider man franchises....And of course the complete mutilations of the Great Thriller/Horror Flicks.... Friday The 13th, Nightmare on Elm street, Halloween(OMG), Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The Omen,The Wicker man...(LOL ok this last  one actually made me laugh a lot..NOOO not the bees!!!!...Nick Cage...got to love him...pfff)
The comedy remakes like The Pink Panther .Yeah I like Steve Martin myself but really?...It is Fucking Peter Sellers. Just look.... 

Of and of course we cannot forget the brilliant idea that some people had that they could do justice on this guy... 

By replacing him with this thing....

Oh dear....And let's not forget the Pocahontas remake...Oh no wait, this was an original script...Riiiiiiiiiiiiight....

Why am I ranting about this things now...I mean it is nothing new....Well it is because the ideas of  the people in Hollywood have been getting worst even when it comes to rehashing or remaking stuff...And I am not taking just about the sequel craze(Really what the hell does "dark of the moon" really mean? Shouldn't it be like "The darkness" or "the dark one" or sth ).

There is actually going to be a reboot of the Spider man Franchise.A reboot of the reboot of the Superman franchise. They are so out of ideas that they end up remaking stuff made 3-4 years ago...Bloody hell!...Not that with older stuff things are better.Oh and have you heard?They are making a Wizard of Oz prequel.A BLOODY WIZARD OF OZ ORIGINS movie!!!!!Yeah because that was the question on every child's mind...The intricate details of how The wizard of Oz became the wizard when he was in his 30's. And the worst of all that I heard lately...A Crow remake....A new CROW movie!Because they did so good with the other sequel/remakes or whatever these jokes actually were.Really is there anyone out there that thinks he can make something better or at least add something better to this:

But wait...They say that it will not be a reboot or a sequel. It will be a completely original story with new characters coming back from the dead...Then why are you calling it Crow? 

Oh wait....yes....


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