RPGs, Movies, Computer Games, Music listening, Photography....Anything that is interesting fun and supposingly "unproductive".Politics included (sad really)
What can I say for this brilliant movie?? First of all the all star cast of actors.We have Simon Pegg from the Shaun of the dead and Andy Serkis whom u all know as the voice of Gollum and the Witchking.And the all star cast continues with Tom Wilkinson the fist mate of Jack Sparrow,Tim Curry the Cardinal Richelieu and final we have a small Cameo from Sir Christopher Lee.The place and time is 19th century Edinburg, the Medical Capital of the world.Burke and Hare are 2 small bandits who think the big plan of killing and selling the bodies to the medical schools.Also we have the birth of the term protection in its raw condition.It s a very funny movie (they have list in the big bars).Also I believe that Isla Fisher is very hot in this movie!!!
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