RPGs, Movies, Computer Games, Music listening, Photography....Anything that is interesting fun and supposingly "unproductive".Politics included (sad really)
This is something I am waiting for quite eagerly. Tarsem's Movies are always beautiful and well shoot. I like visual directors. Hope this will end up being a good movie...
I am such a fanboy when it comes to Guild Wars...I can't wait for the game...The only MMORPG that really managed to hook me....This is the Charr Land Trailer
Not enough time for complete reviews I am afraid....Too much on my head...But enough time to at least go to the movies...My recent viewings...Hangover 2, X-men First class and Unknown...
Two interesting trailers got out recently that really don't to look very promising to say the least...Still interesting though...Rise of the Planet of the Apes and The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo American remake..pfff